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v2025 (2)


Ministers to land in hot water for supporting no-confidence motion: Here are the MP’s who signed!

Civil society activists and anti-corruption organizations have said that Ministers representing the government who signed the no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe should not be able to function in those ministries.

Appears to be against PM: But actually against government

According to them though the no confidence motion is against the PM, in reality, it has been brought against the government.


 They say that there is no possibility of bringing a no-confidence motion only against the PM according to the Constitution and a no-confidence motion if brought is considered to be against the government under the 19th amendment of the constitution.


According to them, this fact is clear from the no-confidence motion documents presented to the media and therefore the Ministers who signed should not hold posts in the government.

As a result, the three Ministers who signed the no-confidence motion should resign immediately from their respective ministries and they should transfer the privileges granted through the appointment of their ministerial portfolio, including their official vehicles the activists said.

Three government Ministers had signed the no-confidence motion. They have been identified as State Minister of Land, T.B Ekanayake, Deputy Minister of Ports Nishantha Muthuhettigama, and Deputy Minister of Public Administration Susantha Punchinilame.

MR avoids signing the no-confidence motion

The no-confidence motion by the Joint Opposition was presented to the speaker today. While 55 MPs has signed it, however notably former President Mahinda Rajapaksa had failed to sign the document despite previously claiming that he would.

The signed no-confidence motion which was handed over to the Speaker

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