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v2025 (2)


Sirisena plans religious propaganda programme to influence Supreme Court decision!  

The FR petition seeking the Supreme Court to declare the Gazette issued by President dissolving parliament as unconstitutional will be taken up today.

Sources say officials of the conspiracy government are attempting to pressurize the decision to be made in the President’s favour by exerting undue influence through religious propaganda. 

Accordingly, the religious propaganda is said to be aimed at non-Buddhist judges in the bench including Chief Justice Nalin Perera. As planned by the group, the propaganda will claim the issue is not one of the constitutionality of the Gazette but a battle between the Buddhist temple and the Christian church. They have planned to circulate news that the church, under the influence of the interntional community, has intervened to defeat the President's Gazette. They also hope to suggest that the decision must be given in favour of the President to prove otherwise. 

Sources also say there is an attempt to spread a false news that the court will deliver a split decision. The group appears to have fallen to the lowest of low in the knowledge that the decision will most likely be unfavourable to the Executive as pointed out by legal luminaries and the Attorney General himself to President Sirisena as it is clearly stated in the Constitution that the President has no power to sack the PM and dissolve parliament prior to its term of 4 ½ years.

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