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v2025 (2)


Law College Principal held hostage by unruly law students

Law College Principal PC Indira Samarasinghe was forcefully confined to her office by unruly law college students for over 22 hours yesterday.

According to sources, the issue arose regarding several student union elections held at the College on Friday. One group of students had claimed irregularities had occurred during the elections and called for the election to be held again. The group had said the Principal will only be allowed to leave her office if she provides a solution to the issue. They had even gone on to block in the Principal’s vehicle by parking several other vehicles around it. 

Finally Bar Association President, Counsel U.R De Silva had to visit the College and discuss with the students to secure the release of Samarasinghe. De Silva had promised to conduct an investigation and provide a solution for the issues today. The students thereafter allowed Samarasinghe to leave the premises around 3.30pm in the evening. When questioned by the media the Principal said further action will be taken according to the advice of the Chief Justice. 

Many have criticized the actions of students who upon passing out would the lawyers. "Shameful Behaviour," one lawyer said when asked claiming that hoodlum behaviour of local universities has now found its way to the once Prestigious Law College as well.

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