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North Korea 'likely' to attend Olympics

A North Korean Olympic official has said that his country is "likely to participate" in next month's Winter Olympic Games, reports say.

Chang Ung, Pyongyang's representative to the International Olympic Committee, reportedly made the comment at Beijing International Airport on Saturday.

Chang is believed to be travelling to Switzerland to discuss the subject, Japanese news agency Kyodo reports. It comes a day after Pyongyang agreed to official talks with South Korea.

During his New Year's Day address, Kim said he hoped that the Pyeongchang Winter Games would be a success, adding that he was considering sending a delegation.

In response, South Korea's President Moon Jae-in proposed a meeting with North Korean officials to discuss the subject in detail.

Moon's proposal and Kim's remarks about the Olympics were the result of two secret meetings between South and North Korean sports officials, which took place in China in late December.

In those meetings, the two Koreas agreed to participate in sports exchanges during 2018.

 Source : BBC News

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