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Donald Trump wants to deport illegal immigrants with 'no judges or court cases'

n a series of tweets fired off on Sunday, US President Donald Trump described people entering the country from Mexico as "invaders" trying to "break into the country," and suggested sending them back to their country of origin without legal proceedings.

"When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came," he wrote.

American civil rights advocates immediately responded that such a procedure would violate the US Constitution.

"What President Trump has suggested here is both illegal and unconstitutional," a tweet from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) read. "Any official who has sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution and laws should disavow it unequivocally."

Trump's tweets were the latest to display his hardline stance on immigration, a core part of White House policy that has increasingly raised ethical concerns from Democratic and even some Republican lawmakers recently.

Trump gave in to bi-partisan pressure last week and reversed a policy that ordered the separation of children from their parents who enter the US unlawfully. However, his "zero-tolerance" policy of criminally prosecuting all undocumented border-crossers remains in place.

Source : Deutsche Welle

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