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v2025 (2)


Senior Army officer issues orders to Army Wives! 

The Senior Army officer in Charge of the Eastern Province is said to have ordered the wives of Senior Officers reporting to him to attend all activities and events attended by his wife.

According to authoritative sources, the said Senior officer had called 40 Senior officers and said their wives must attend these events. He is said to have threatened to implement strict regulations on the use of official vehicles and other privileges enjoyed by these officers should their wives fail to act according to the order. 

However the wives of the Army officers under him are said to be questioning as to how their husband’s senior officer can issue orders to their spouses in such a manner. With many wives living away from the area, they are finding it difficult to attend these events and meeting, sources said, calling the order an unfair move on the part of the senior officer.

The same officer is accused of forcing the nearly 300 strong officer cadre reporting to him to provide sponsorships or advertisements amounting to Rs. 20 000 for the annual event of his regiment Mela held to collect funds for the Regiment. Many officers unable to raise such amounts have been left to shell out the required amounts from their own pockets. According to sources the senior officer appears to have gone ‘mad’ with power to think he can issue orders not only to his officers but to their family members as well.

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