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v2025 (2)


Three killed in horror D.S Gunasekara bus crash! 

Three people lost their lives today when a Colombo bound Vavuniya bus crashed into a bridge and a transformer near the Mahawewa junction in Marawila around 4.30 am today.

According to the Police the bus had attempted to overtake a lorry while travelling at a high speed causing the driver to lose control of the bus.

The bus belongs to the D.S Gunasekara transport company and has been left in a mangled state. 

The horrific crash killed four individuals while 19 others suffered serious injuries. Among them are three Army soldiers, one Navy personnel and four women.

Police say some passengers were left trapped in the bus for a significant amount of time.

This may result in higher fatalities they said. Meanwhile the conductor of the bus is said to have fled the scene following the incident.

Marawila Police are carrying out further investigations into the incident.

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