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v2025 (2)


Dayasiri to be appointed SLFP General Secretary?

If he is appointed as the SLFP General Secretary, MP Dayasiri Jayasekara claims he will work towards uplifting the party by going all over the island and conducting organizing activities. 

He made this statement in a live political show on television recently. According to him sitting in the opposition is not an obstacle to work towards the betterment of the party. 

He also went on to say he has not worked in order to get positions but if he is presented with one he will work accordingly. 

Accusations against those of the 16 who went to Pohottuwa 

He also slammed some of the 16 who joined the SLPP claiming they have lost their political identity. According to him, the intention of the 16 was to act with a particular political identity and form a united and powerful front. 

According to him, this chance was lost due to the actions of certain people.  He also affirmed that he is not willing to leave the party.

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