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v2025 (2)


Will boost economy in 100 days if given responsibility: RaviWill boost economy in 100 days if given responsibility: Ravi

UNP Assistant Leader and former Minister Ravi Karunanayake said today he could build up the economy in 100 days if he was given the responsibility.

Addressing a meeting held at UNP office in Thotalanga, MP Karunanayake said state officials who go behind politicians do not change with the change of government.

“It is they who mess up the country's economy. The action of a few people attached to the government had put the economy in a mess,” he said.

Meanwhile, he said it is a common fact that the tusker with sacred relics usually walks in front of a perahera.

“However, those who walk in front of the government are political henchmen and stilt walkers. It is they who sabotage the efforts of the President and the Prime Minister to build the economy. Both leaders are aware of this situation,” he said.

Referring to the new tax on gold imports, he said the tax was not necessary.

Source : Daily Mirror

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